Example Exposing Fake Article

This is the perfect example of an individual attempting to publish a fabricated article and how easily people like this are exposed. http://www.thecumberlander.ca/show2041a45s/Why_Is_Alan_de_Jersey_Embarrassed
How can he believe no one noticed he proved my point?
Information IS power.

The videos posted at Union Bay Improvement News http://www.youtube.com/user/UnionBayImprovement/videos are to provide information to the public regarding the process and decisions being made on your behalf by those who promised to represent YOUR interests.

I previously provided your government with copies of the videos, but in keeping with their policies - information is not shared.
It is impossible for people to attend all the meetings, and the miniscule information provided in the minutes and the Landowners Update are inadequate.

In keeping with my beliefs - I want all of us to know what's going on. Only videos regarding The Union Bay Improvement District will be posted. More videos will be added to keep information current.


More at: http://allthingsunionbay.blogspot.ca/


law, misappropriation is the intentional, illegal use of the property or funds of another person for one's own use or other unauthorized purpose, particularly by a public official, a trustee of a trust, an executor or administrator of a dead person's estate or by any person with a responsibility to care for and protect another's assets (a fiduciary duty). It is a felony, a crime punishable by a prison sentence.

From 2007 Mail Outs Titled "Fairness In Our Community", and posted on old blog. Still believe it to be true.
Again, if anyone thinks I’ve got my facts wrong. maryreynoldsis@hotmail.com more at http://allthingsunionbay.blogspot.com/ By the way, I’m not auditioning to become a friend etc., so I’m not interested in comments regarding my presentation, style, bluntness, politeness blah blah - get it? This is not personal – it is business – I don’t care if one of your relatives or friends or neighbors is an elected official. They are accountable – like it or not. It doesn’t matter what level of government – they are elected.

Union Bay Residents' Association - A Front For KIP

Union Bay Residents' Association - A Front For KIP
Union Bay Residents' Association - Created to Promote KIP



Friday, February 24, 2012

Kensington Island Properties and The Union Bay Residents Association


Details are few at this time. Distressed local resident, Susan Hargreaves (Founder of fake Union Bay Residents' Association, KIP spokesperson, Fire fighter/first responder) made an urgent call to a Trustee of the Union Bay Improvement District complaining about Mary Reynolds knowing about her resume'.   ????????

Again, details to be verified, but it is alleged Ms. Hargreaves made a statement that Mary Reynolds is sleeping with Trustee Cleve Goldswain. 

More to come as this matter is investigated.

UPDATE:  Wammy/Goldie Goldswain expected to respond within the day..............more to come on this breaking story.............. 

UPDATE 2:00 pm. Feb. 23:   More details have emerged regarding this breaking story.  According to Union Bay Improvement Trustee Cleve Goldswain, fellow Trustee Anne Alcock, who is Chair of the Fire Committee was contacted by Ms. Hargreaves who wished to make a complaint against Trustee Goldswain for leaking her confidential information to Mary Reynolds as Ms. Hargreaves believes this information could only be obtained by sleeping with Trustee Goldswain.  Trustee Alcock contacted the Fire Chief to determine if there was a problem.

I may be able to shed some light on the situation.  When Ms. Hargreaves was a the post office the other day, I asked why she didn't include the Union Bay Residents' Association in her resume'?  Looks like that must have been the spark - go figure.  

Still, considering how proudly Ms. Hargreaves was as Chair/President of the Union Bay Residents' Association.  Ms. Hargreaves took charge demanding answers from all levels of government as to what steps were being taken to ensure KIP proceeded...............................  Come to think of it, where are all those local vocal KIP supporters?  

Much more including video to come regarding this breaking story .............

UPDATE Feb. 23 2012, 8:48 pm.  Sorry, went out for Chinese......will update tomorrow.  Good people, good food, good night.

UPDATE Feb. 24 2012, 6:27 pm.  The following best describes Goldie's Official Statement to Susan Hargreaves' claim: 

Who is dumb enough to piss off Goldie?       .........nuff said.


I've always viewed the following minutes of the Union Bay Residents Association so telling.  Luckily, I kept it and I'm delighted to bring it to you again.  I hope you are paying attention as I shouldn't have to call your attention to the obvious.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: meeting July 12
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:07:13 -0700
From: Ruth M. McVeigh
To: Wain , Turner, Thurber , Taylor , Rogers, Reynolds, Toby Rainey Rainey darcey, Nyhof, Nicell. McVeigh, McMahon, McGroggan, McGarvey, XXXXXXX , Kolzig , Glenn , Peter , Hilborn , Hebblethwaite , Hargreaves , Grant , Geidt, Al Flawse , Lois Flawse , Fisher , Dane, Bowen, Bitten, Anderson , Goldswain

Draft minutes open for corrections and for voting on the Motion. Thx. Ruth
UBRA meeting July 12, 2006

Meeting called to order by Susan

Minutes of the last meeting and the Executive meeting were read.

Susan reported on the meeting held at Russ Hebblethwaite‚s regarding the formation of a YES committee for Restructuring. This information has been passed along to Lois.

Jim Elliott and Paul Baal have started dismantling the playground equipment.

Susan suggested a picnic at the Community Club to mark the arrival of the equipment and to spread the word of what UBRA has accomplished.

Members of the Strategy/YES committee are Barry, Mike, Bryan Fisher, Lois and Edda, with Russ chairing it and Jack Turner acting as resource and research person. Lois, Edda and Toby expressed interest in working on a strategy sub-committee which will coordinate with the YES committee.

Edda will identify supporters and prepare a list of questions which will probably be asked by residents and the committee will prepare responses.

Mike will look at tax figures and put them into clear language with copies for us by July 26 - the date on which an open forum will be scheduled. He will also do fundraising for the committee. Lois will apply for tax number.

Barry will research governance, to explain the implications for Union Bay of becoming a municipality.

Moved by Mike, seconded by Barry that Russ chair the YES committee with Mike and Jack as co-chairs and that this committee will invite input from all residents of Union Bay. (Passed by email).

Toby suggested a display ad be put in the newspapers.

Three areas will be defined - residents who are in favour, those against and those who want more information. It was mentioned that many of those who are against or uncertain are concerned about timing, so this issue must be addressed. The YES/Strategy committee will report to UBRA Directors.

All those who had Zone lists for the earlier election have been asked to update them for use.

A tentative date of July 26 has been set for an open forum, sponsored by UBRA. This will be designed to provide residents with an opportunity to talk about the prospect of becoming a municipality and to ask questions. We must have as much positive information as possible and be ready to respond to concerns about the inherent risks.

Jack Turner spoke about a report he had prepared based on information gleaned from contacts. This resulted in discussion about water - with agreement that the amount available from West Van Lakes is not as great as has been stated. Getting water from Comox Lake would involve a great expense in installing a deep intake pipe because the accessible water is contaminated. It was agreed that Langley Lake will have plenty of water if the dam is raised as proposed. The solution to the water problem will be solved by whoever is elected by residents.

It will be the responsibility and aim of the YES committee to keep the focus on the effect of Restructuring on Union Bay, recognizing that Kensington, if it goes ahead, will be part of Union Bay whereas Sage Hills will not. Barry pointed out that the issue was raised by Union Bay completely apart from Kensington, 13 years ago, because of fundamental flaws in governance.

Referring to a letter from Cliff Boldt, Edda said that the YES Committee must be ready with answers in regard to the Health Authority.

Ruth will write an article for the Echo and Record on the topic of using the school for the Library and asking for other suggestions. This will help illustrate that UBRA is working on other issues as well.

Ruth moved adjournment.
This was prior to the municipality referendum.
Note:  I have removed the email addresses of those who received this email. It appears as though I was the only one to question it.   The one name of interest is that of the VP of Kensington Island Properties. The VP received all correspondence and was aware (if not involved, IN MY OPINION, in the switching of the water source mere months after the public hearings where the community supported KIP believing CAO Bob Long promising, assuring, Langley Lake would not be considered as a source for KIP).  

The Union Bay Residents' Association, IN MY OPINION, would have cleared any information regarding Kensington Island Properties before publishing.    A reasonable person would come to that conclusion since the VP was a valued member.  Right?

Plus, the VP has never corrected any information put forth by UBRA.

Nov. 24 2006


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